Recorded and Pre-recorded Services During the Covid crisis some services have been recorded, and some pre-recorded services are still available. There have been some technical issues with some recordings, apologies for those that are missing and for the ones that are a bit quiet. We're still trying to fix the problems!
Sunday 1st May Worship for All On the hospitality of God, with Rolene Cort. The sound level is very variable and there are some quiet meditative moments. We were looking at the famous icon 'The Trinity' by Rublev. To listen to the service, click here.
Sunday 3rd April Worship For All On John 12: 1-8: the anointing of Jesus. There are some quiet bits during the activities and prayers. To listen to the service: click here
Sunday 6th February Worship For All Luke 5: 1-11. There are some quiet bits during the activities and prayers. To listen to the service: click here. Sunday 16th January Only the sermon was recorded: to listen, go to the 'Sermons' page Sunday 9th January Holy Communion Acts 8: 14-17 Luke 3: 15-17, 21-22. To listen to the service: click here. Again, we have had technical issues meaning that the first minute or so is silent, apologies.
Sunday 2nd January Worship For All: Four faces, four names, four places. Theme: 'Are we Good News?' Led by Revd Allan Scrivenor and Phil Hemsley. About one hour, 15 minutes long. There is a quiet bit in the middle during a group discussion.Tbd......Apologies! Some technical issues with this recording!
Christmas Day 2021 Holy Communion About one hour, 20 minutes long. Led by Revd Allan Scrivenor. To listen, click here.
Sunday 19th December Full service, with Revd Raymond leading. It is approximately one hour long. Apologies but there are some sections/words that didn't get picked up by the recording, especially at the end. To hear this, click here