Sadly, many of our regular activities were cancelled during the Covid crisis, but we hope to restart many of them soon.
St George's hosts many activities: fun days, family barbecues, as listed in the church newsletter. We have house groups that meet regularly each week for discussion, friendship, prayer and support. We have a 'Tea and Chat' group, a knitting and stitching group called 'Drop In Stitches', and other friendly groups. We were also pleased to host a local LGBT+ Christian Fellowship group (Sadly, not running at present because of changes in circumstances: please contact us if you are interested in re-starting this) On the second Saturday of each month there is a 'Coffee Morning' with cakes, jigsaws and books for sale: a great place to meet up, chat and top up your reading supplies for the month. We also have a prayer chain. See the various menu items for more details.