Rugby Revive: Under the ministries tab on this website there is a link to all the services the churches provide in Rugby: Foodbank, Streetpastors, Gift of Years, CAP, Hope4 etc
Hillmorton Job Club Hillmorton Job Club is run by St John's church, staffed by local volunteers, and aims to support people seeking work by helping with PC skills, internet job searches, producing CVs, preparing for interviews etc. See
Acts 435 Acts 435 is a charity that supports people in need with specific grants and items. See their website:
Live Life Loved: Sheila's Feelgood Blog Written around 5 main themes: Faith and Spirituality, Fun/Travel and Personal, Books/Films and Plays, Mental Wellbeing and Health, Science and the Natural World, by Rugby's very own published author and vicar, Sheila Bridge.
Is Narnia All There Is? A blog about the best in British Christian Fiction, and about writing fiction. By a local Christian and published author, Cathy Hemsley.
24-7 Prayer: 24-7 Prayer is an international, interdenominational movement of prayer, mission and justice; a non-stop prayer meeting that has continued for every minute of this century so far.
The Ship of Fools Satirical Christian humour. “We’re here for people who prefer their religion disorganized,” says the Ship’s editor and designer. “Our aim is to help Christians be self-critical and honest about the failings of Christianity, as we believe honesty can only strengthen faith.”