. Saturday 11th January 10:30am - Coffee Morning (Hall)
Sunday 12th January 10:00am - Family Communion. Readings: Acts 8: 14-17; Luke 3: 15-17, 21-22 12 noon - Shared meal to mark Carole and Tony Solway's last Sunday. Please contact Gilly Lang if you are planning to come and/or can bring food and you haven't already let her know.
Monday 13th January 8:00am - Morning Prayer at St. Peter John's 7:30pm - Joint Worship Committee (Bungalow) Tuesday 14th January 8:00am - Morning Prayer at St. George's 2:00pm - Tea & Chat (Bungalow)
Wednesday 15th January 8:00am - Morning Prayer at St. Peter John's 1:30pm - Magic Dragons
Thursday 16th January 8:00am - Morning Prayer at St. George's 9:30am - Holy Communion 7:30pm - Men’s Chat (Bungalow)
Sunday 19th January 10:00am - Morning Worship
Home Groups and Fellowship Groups The Monday fellowship will be meeting on 6th January 2:30pm at Margaret Johnson’s. We shall be exploring 'epiphany'. If anyone would like to join us you will be most welcome. If you want further details contact Carol 544630. The Tuesday Home Group (formerly Wednesday group) are resuming this coming Tuesday 7th January at 2 pm and meet fortnightly. Further dates for the Calendar:-
Tuesday 21st January
Tuesday 4th February
Tuesday 18th February
For further information please contact Mary Pettifer on 07743585140
Vacancy for Church Warden With Tony Solway leaving soon we will be losing a churchwarden. Is this a role that you might consider? To get an idea of the role, here’s a video that might encourage you: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=Z3XwQW9exKE . There’s also a course here: https://www.equiphub.org.uk/courses-events-and-resources/introduction-to-being-a-churchwarden/ Feel free to talk with Phil Hemsley or Revd. Philip Morton if you want to know more.
Good news - significant energy savings from the heat pumps In December 2024, the heat pumps needed 1280kWh energy to heat the church. In December 2023 the Drugasar heaters needed 11870kWh energy, all from fossil fuel. The heat pumps therefore saved 90% of the energy used, and all of the CO2 emissions! Many thanks to all those who supported and helped with this project.
Bible Journalling Workshops and Drop-in sessions Explore creative Bible study techniques, exchange ideas, and experiment with materials—all in a warm, welcoming space with coffee, tea, and sweet treats. Come for inspiration, stay for the fellowship! Drop-in sessions every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month, come along anytime between 10am and 12pm. No booking required. Workshops:-
18th February 2024, 7pm, Introduction to Bible Journalling
7th April 2024, 7pm, Bible Journalling at Easter
To book into our workshops or if you like to receive updates and our Bible journalling newsletter, please email [email protected] Suggested donation £8
Our Vision
We desire to be a vibrant and inclusive Christian community, inspired by God, to worship and reach out to nurture, heal and serve. Worship: to make our lives ones of worship, both corporately and individually. Reach Out: to reach out. Archbishop Justin said, ‘The church is not a rest home for the saints but a lifeboat for the world’ Nurture: to accept where people, the community and our world are at present, and to encourage growth and development in a loving and supportive way. Heal: to heal the damage done to our environment, to heal difficult relationships, to pray for physical, emotional and mental healing, to heal struggling relationships with God. Serve: to serve by both practical action and prayer. Serving not only what God has given us (the world and all it contains) but also God himself; by proclaiming His word, making new disciples and loving one another as He loves us
Our Values
We believe that all should be welcome, encouraged and supported. We believe that faith should be developed within the Church and shared in our wider community. We believe that we should show tolerance, understanding and compassionate support to each other We believe that we should work as a team, supporting each other so that we can better serve others. We believe in a God-centred life based on the precepts of the Bible and upheld by prayer. We believe that worship should be God-centred, accessible, joyful, stimulating and relevant.
Part of the Church of England Address: St John's Avenue, Rugby, Hillmorton, CV22 5HR Email: [email protected] Telephone: 07741 804523